Monday, March 18, 2013

Flat Super Snack Lady: The US Traveler!

Flat Super Snack Lady has been SUPER  busy traveling all over the United States and seeing many different cities.  Look below to see how she has been staying active and healthy.

Flat Super Snack Lady enjoyed the warmer
weather and beautiful view when she visited
Torrey Pines State Beach which is
located outside of San Diego, California.
What a view!
Flat Super Snack Lady enjoyed a walk/hike
through the park with the real Super Snack Lady's
little cousin.  Obviously he enjoyed
Flat Super Snack Lady!

Next Flat Super Snack Lady ventured to
Lubbock, Texas.  Here she is pictured rolling
around in a passing tumbleweed in a
Texas oil field.

While in Texas Flat Super Snack Lady went
to a wind farm (where they take the wind
and turn it into power with the help of
a wind mill).  Luckily she didn't fly away!

Sometimes Flat Super Snack Lady travels
by car, by mail, or even by airplane!
Here she is on the way to Denver, Colorado.

She decided to have a healthy snack of
cranberry juice and dried fruit.  YUM!

The most recent place that Flat Super Snack Lady
visited was Earth Biscuit Farms in Tipton, Iowa.
At the farm they have hens that lay eggs.  FSSL
was lucky enough to be able to do chores
at the farm and helped clean the eggs
after getting them from the hen house.

These baby chicks (which will grow into
hens that will lay eggs at the farm)
were VERY interested in Flat Super
Snack Lady!  The lights were keeping the
chicks warm and cozy during a cold Iowa
day since they were only a few days old!

Where is Flat Super Snack Lady going to appear next time?  What other US cities and states is she going to travel to?  How else are Americans staying healthy and active?!?  Check back soon for another post!!! 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What do YOU see?

This last fall I went to the Iowa Organic Agriculture Conference in Iowa City.  I learned a lot about organic farming and I heard an amazing speaker, Will Allen, speak.  For those of you who don't know who Will Allen is allow me to introduce you to him!

Will Allen is a former NBA basketball player.  When he retired he needed something to do with his time and began to dive into organic farming.  He now owns Growing Power located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and solely puts his efforts into running multiple "urban farms".  What exactly is an urban farm?! Well it's when you take space in a city and create something magical on it!  If you have grass you can dig it up and create a garden right there- perhaps it is in a city park or maybe it is in your own back yard no matter where you live.  Something else Will Allen does is put gardens ON TOP OF BLACK TOP!!  He has an urban garden in Milwaukee that used to be a parking lot!! 

Needless to say, Will Allen is doing amazing things with growing produce in unlikely spaces.  At the conference this last fall Will challenged everyone to think about spaces differently in your city.  Your front yard?  It could be a garden!  The vacant lot next door? Garden!  A vacant parking lot?  Garden!  What about a roof top?  GARDEN!   So, this naturally got Super Snack Lady thinking.....

Where can we put a garden at an elementary school that has no grass or field??  So I looked around and guess what I saw across the street- a BIG open space at a church!  So this is the beginnings of a community garden for the students at Johnson School of the Arts.  It doesn't look like much yet, but wait until it gets warmer....

So, where could you put some vegetable plants around your house?  Where could you create an urban garden?  A garden doesn't have to be millions of plants but rather just one tomato plant or one cucumber plant that can climb up a stair case.  Just think about it!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Taylor's Healthy Families Night!

Super Snack Lady helped put on a great event at Taylor Elementary this last week.  Due to snow it was a little delayed, but we had a great turn out none the less!!  There were over 20 different agencies that were all at Taylor to support their families in being healthy- not only nutritionally, but physically, mentally, and emotionally.  Check below to see a couple photos of what was going on!
Super Snack Lady brought a prize to Taylor's
Healthy Families Night!  This produce basket
included a pineapple, some apples, peaches,
bananas, green beans, a cucumber, oranges,
potatoes, and bell peppers.  What a great
prize for a family to win!!!

Here is Super Snack Lady's friend
and co-worker Amy was a GREAT help
with the awesome prize wheel.
Students had to spin the wheel
and then do the physical activity that
was listed or answer questions about
yummy fruits and vegetables.

Super Snack Lady spent a little time doing the
prize wheel when she wasn't busy talking
to students and helping with the rest of the event.

Super Snack Lady's other co-workers, Janice
and Kathy, were at Taylor too!
 They brought super fun ramps and balls for the
kids to play with while handing out
information to their parents.

The Extended Food and Nutrition Education
Program people were handing out
free samples to families and getting parents
signed up for free cooking classes.  YUM!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Preview of March's Snacks!

Where did February go? As a matter of fact, where did January go?!  It's hard to believe that we're already to March.  As always a new month means new snacks.  Check out the photos below and try to guess what the fruit and veggie is (this might be the easiest month to guess too!).

Here is the delicious fruit of the month.  The color
is a big hint in what it's name is!

This is the vegetable.  Traditionally it's white like
like this picture.  However, they now grow it
in purple and green color.