Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!

Is anyone else as excited as I am about the impending weather?!?  Super Snack Lady LOVES snow.  Super Snack Lady LOVES a white holiday season.  As a teacher Super Snack Lady still gets giddy about snow storms and the possibility of a snow day just as much as kids do.  

If you haven't heard- TONIGHT and tomorrow (Wednesday and Thursday) there is a HUGE snowstorm and blizzard heading our way here in Cedar Rapids.  Look below to see how much snow they are predicting:

As you can see, we are going to get dumped on in a major way with snow, snow, and snow.

This brings up three thing:
1) PLEASE BE SAFE. With this storm there is supposed to be very high winds and we are currently under a blizzard warning starting Wednesday night.  Stay inside, bundled up.  Enjoy the falling and blowing snow from a warm place.
2)  Get bundled up when you are going outside. With the wind chills and strong winds it will be very chilly.  While playing outside in the winter and snow is a ton of fun it is also important to remember that you have all of your snow gear on:  Heavy winter jacket, snow pants, boots, thick socks, sweat shirt, gloves/mittens, and stocking cap are all needed to stay warm in this weather.
3) Shoveling snow is GREAT exercise! You can burn a ton of calories in just an hour from shoveling snow, not to mention that it can be quite fun.  So while some people dread shoveling the snow, remember you are getting great physical activity in for the week. 

Stay safe during this winter weather!!! You can look forward to seeing Super Snack Lady at your school after the winter break.  Happy Holidays to your family and Happy New Year!

Monday, December 17, 2012

How to Eat Yourself Healthy This Cold and Flu Season

Everyone that Super Snack Lady knows is getting sick.  Colds, flu, coughing, sneezing- you name it and someone has it!  There are a couple things you can do to stay healthy this holiday and winter season.

1) WASH YOUR HANDS.  I know, it seems simple and like common sense.  I've heard statistics that say that classrooms that deliberately washed their hands thoroughly 2 times a day (mid morning and mid afternoon) had far less students out sick as compared to other classrooms in the same school building.  Wash your hands even when you haven't used the rest room or are going to eat.  Germs are everywhere and combat them by washing your hands frequently!

2) Eat fruits and vegetables that are high in Vitamin C.  Vitamin C is great for helping your immune system function at the best possible rate.  The following fruits and vegetables are very high in Vitamin C (and some of them might surprise you!). 

  • Strawberries
  • Oranges
  • Grapefruits
  • Lemon
  • Limes
  • Papaya
  • Kiwi (the fruit of the month for December!)
  • Bell Peppers
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Watermelon
  • Cantaloupe
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Broccoli (the vegetable of the month for December!)
  • Cauliflower
  • Tomatoes
  • Pineapple
  • Butternut Squash
  • Herbs such as Cilantro, Chives, Thyme, Basil, and Parsley.
Who knew that there were so many tasty ways to stay healthy?

3)  Avoid or limit exposure to other sick people.  If you are sick, don't go out in public or go to work.  If your child is sick don't do play dates or send them to school.  Also, make sure to wash your hands frequently when you are in public places as people might be sick and you are being exposed unknowingly.

4)  Get your rest. The easiest way for Super Snack Lady to get sick is always being on the go and being stressed out.  My doctor once told me a good piece of advice- if you are tired, then rest.  A cat nap after work or a quick snooze when a kid gets home from school might just be what the body is craving in order to fight off illness.  This is an especially challenging one to try to do during the holiday times when things get so hectic; it is also the perfect excuse to fall asleep on the couch to a classic holiday movie!

5) Sanitize your home!  Once a week Super Snack Lady and her husband use disinfecting wipes and sanitize surfaces in our home such as door knobs, computer keyboards and mice, counter tops, knobs on sinks, and refrigerator handles.  When sick, Super Snack Lady goes the extra mile and disinfects everything- pencils, pens, remote control, cell phone, blankets, pillows, and anything else that I come in contact with on a regular basis.

I hope this blog post finds you feeling well and if it doesn't- use some of the tips above to make yourself feel better and help your body fight off whatever you have going on.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Introducing.... FLAT SUPER SNACK LADY!

Have you ever heard of Flat Stanley?  It's a wonderful children's book about a normal, average boy named Stanley.  One day a bulletin board falls on Stanley and makes him, "as flat as a pancake"!!  While it is an adjustment he gets used to being flat and enjoys sliding under doors and even being flat enough to be put into an envelope and shipped to California! You can find out more about the book here: Flat Stanley books on Amazon

Many schools use a Flat Stanley activity on geography and often send their own version of Flat Stanley to relatives and friends and talk about how far Flat Stanley traveled.  Well, Super Snack Lady decided to make her own version of this fun activity.  So, I introduce to you:


It looks just like me, right?!  :)    There are a couple different Flat Super Snack Ladies being sent around the country.  The first one got sent out to Utah to Super Snack Lady's aunt and uncle. Flat Super Snack Lady will be showing how people are staying active and eating awesome, healthy foods from all of the United States.  Check back soon for more on the Adventure of FLAT Super Snack Lady!!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

How to make Fruits and Veggies EXCITING!

I have received word from some parents, teachers, and other staff at the surprise of what I've been able to get kids to eat while I've been visiting the schools.  I often get something like, "My kid would never eat   _______ (fill in the blank with a fruit or veggie) before you visited their classroom.  How did you get them to eat it?!?"

Well, I'll let you in on my secrets! 
1) I try to make new fruits and veggies FUN to try. I do this by having the kids close their eyes and I'll describe the produce.  They then guess what it is once they think they know.  This mystery of getting to guess really gets them excited.  I have done it before when they close their eyes and feels the produce too- this doesn't work so well with so many kids but at home it would be perfect.
2) We closely inspect the fruits and veggies before we try them and pretend we are scientist making new discoveries about our produce.  We use our five senses- how does the produce look?  What does it feel like?  Does it smell like anything we've smelled before? When we bite into it does it make a sound?  And lastly, what does it taste like? 
3) We do fun tests- like the "squishy test" (where we see if the fruit or veggies are hard or soft) or the "rub test" where we rub the produce to see how it feels.

4)  We ALL try the fruits and veggies.  In the month of November the fruit was pears and Super Snack Lady strongly dislikes pears.  However, I did try the pears at every single visit to show the kids how to be brave.  It's also noteworthy that I've had some AMAZING teachers who have "taken one for the team" and try fruits and veggies that they don't like at all just to show the kids that they should be brave and try it too.  Setting a good example for kids is key. If you don't eat it, how can you expect them to want to try it?

Want to be creative with the produce at your house?  I'd check out the book I'll Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato (you can find it on Amazon through this link).  Charlie and Lola get creative with the names of their fruits and veggies and then are surprised at how good they taste once they just give them a little try!

Happy Tasting! (As a family of course)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Keeping Active in Colder Weather

Now that it's colder out and the sun goes down shortly after school lets out it is getting harder and harder to find time to keep physically active.  The cold weather is also making me want to cuddle up on the couch with a good book or to catch the latest TV program.  HOWEVER as Super Snack Lady I know it is very important to stay active.  Check out the pictures below to see what I did on a recent Tuesday afternoon when I didn't have a school visit:

Super Snack Lady was all geared up for skating- mittens,
long sleeved shirt, hat are all recommended.  For
really young skaters I would also recommend
a helmet (I've seen bike helmets used, but a skating
helmet would probably be best).

Woosh!  There I go- Super Fast around the rink, while
being careful about my safety and keeping my balance.

Since I went in the middle of the afternoon when all
kids are in school I was the only one there.  I had a
blast though and enjoyed the music blaring
through the speakers! 

If you want to ice skate the is one main option in the Cedar Rapids area.  I went to skate at the Cedar Rapids Ice Arena (Ice Arena website) which was affordably priced at $5 for skate rental and skating.  Not to mention that since it's inside then it doesn't matter what it's doing outside (hot or cold!) it's the same temperature inside!  Check it out on the weekends or even over winter break!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Fruit Pizza (A Favorite of Super Snack Lady!)

Your healthy recipe of the month is MMMMM Good Fruit Pizza!!! :)

Super Snack Lady struggles with eating healthy in the month of December truthfully.  There are holiday parties, work parties, family gatherings with sweet treats, stress (which makes Super Snack Lady crave unhealthy things that shouldn't be eaten too often), and other factors like family coming from out of town for special visits. 

On top of that Super Snack Lady will admit that she isn't the best about eating fruits when it's not summer time.  Have you ever noticed that about yourself?  When fruits are in season in the summer and it's hot out it's so easy to grab a juicy grape or yummy watermelon and just devour it.  However in the winter months when your body craves other foods it's hard to keep up the healthy habit of eating good fruits (though they are out of season).  That is why Super Snack Lady picked this recipe for the month of December.  As a reminder of healthy, yummy fruits that can be eaten all year around. Not to mention with the end product looking so fancy it would be perfect to take to a holiday party or family gathering!

Follow this link to get the recipe from the ISU Extension Office's Spend Smart. Eat Smart. website : MMMM Good Fruit Pizza