Friday, September 28, 2012

Welcome to the blog page for Super Snack Lady! 
It is my goal to post different things each month that I think could be helpful for your family.  These posting will be on some of the following topics:
  • Keep you up to date with what Super Snack Lady is up to throughout the month, including new foods that I'm trying and physical activities I'm doing to stay healthy. 
  • Recipes for healthy, inexpensive meals and side dishes (and even some desserts!). 
  • Physical activities that you can do as a family
  • Fun activities that are happening in the community that are inexpensive or free.
  • Photos and interviews from my classroom visits to your school!
  • A preview of the next month that will include foods we'll be trying in your classroom.
I welcome all feedback and please feel free to contact me at for more information on the Pick a Better Snack and ACT program that will be coming to your child's school!

Also- check back frequently as I'll be updating this every week with new information and tid bits!  OR sign up to receive the updates via email.